Local 755 USWU/IUJAT
Local 755 USWU/IUJAT

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On this page, we will outline the basic concepts behind a grievance and what (if any) recourse you may have if you believe your rights have been violated.

With most complaints/grievances, it is ideal to resolve them as quickly as possible and at the lowest level of the procedure.   Very often informing your Supervisor (verbally or in writing) may be enough to resolve the situation.  If this does not resolve your issue, you have started the process and should keep a documented record of any communication(s) with your supervisor regarding your issue.

In an economic environment when employers are asking you to 'do more with less', employees may find that they are "working out of title".  The Local 755 contract addresses this issue, but it may be appropriate to file a "Desk Audit" with the NJ Civil Service Commission.  What is a desk audit.
If you have been injured on the job, be certain that you report the injury to your Supervisor.   File an accident report even if the injury seems to be minor.   A minor injury sometimes develops into something more complex and you need to have a written record of what occurred.
A Violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement Members tend to use the term 'grievance' to describe anything and everything that might be wrong in the work place.  In fact, the term grievance has a specific legal definition.   A violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Statute or Law is the most direct definition of a grievance.

Page Last Updated: Mar 06, 2014 (08:55:00)
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